Active School Travel Pilot Program
Active Travel School (AST) Pilot Program is a partnership program with City of Markham, York Region District School Board, York Catholic District School Board, Green Communities Canada to encourage more kids walking, cycling, scooting to/from school.
- Why is Active School Travel important?
Walking and cycling to school has many benefits
- Creates safer school zone and communities for walking and cycling
- Improves mental health and academic performance of students
- Improves physical health of students due to increased level of physical activity
- Enhances social engagement and community well-being
- Helps reduce air pollution by reducing number of children being driven to school
- Reduces traffic congestion on streets surrounding the school
For more information, please see Ontario Active School Travel - Active School Travel Fact Sheet and Reference List .
- What is the Active School Travel Program?
The City of Markham, in partnership with York Region District School Board, York Catholic District School Board and York Region, is undertaking a pilot program to promote walking and cycling at 9 elementary schools (7 Public Board and 2 Catholic Board)*. With funding from the Ontario Active School Travel (a program of Green Communities Canada ), the pilot program started in 2019.
Through the pilot program, a number of improvements were made at and around the pilot schools. This includes:
- Customized wayfinding signage
- Interactive sidewalk stencils to create a more enjoyable walk to school
- Classroom competition
- Coordinate and create family connections to encourage group walking
- Traffic enhancements: zebra crossing, restricted on-street pick-up and drop-off activity, painted curb lines to reinforce restricted zones, SCHOOL ZONE road stencils
- Kiss & Ride loop closure once a week
- On-going marketing and communications to schools, parents and students
This pilot program has been extended to Fall 2021 in response to the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.
*Participating schools include: Randall P.S., Coppard Glen P.S., Legacy P.S., David Suzuki P.S., Stonebrdige P.S., Castlemore P.S., John McCrae P.S., All Saints C.E.S, St. Francies Xavier C.E.S
- Back to School Safety
Returning to school is an exciting time for parents and students. With school back in session, traffic gets heavier on the streets, as well as more people are walking, cycling or driving to school.
Visit Back to School Safety for tips and more information.
- Resources